Panty Size Calculator

Panty Size Calculator

Panty Size Calculator

Panty Size Calculator

What is Panty Size Calculator and Why is it important for people?

A panty size calculator is a tool that helps individuals determine their correct panty size based on their body measurements. This calculator takes into account a person’s waist and hip measurements in inches and provides a recommended panty size based on the information provided.

It’s important to use a panty size calculator to ensure a comfortable and proper fit of underwear. Ill-fitting underwear can cause discomfort, irritation, and even health issues such as infections or chafing. Wearing the wrong size can also impact the way clothing fits and looks on the body, leading to unwanted bulges or visible panty lines.

A panty size calculator is especially important for individuals who are unsure of their size or have experienced sizing issues in the past. It can also be helpful for those who may have experienced body changes, such as weight loss or gain, pregnancy, or menopause, which can impact their panty size.

Using a panty size calculator can help individuals save time and money by ensuring they purchase the right size of underwear the first time around, without having to return or exchange items. It can also increase confidence and comfort in daily activities by providing a well-fitting foundation to clothing.

In summary, a panty size calculator is an essential tool for individuals looking to improve their comfort and confidence by finding the perfect fit of underwear based on their unique body measurements.


How to Measure Your Panty Size :

Step 1: Measure Your Waist

First measure your waist size by bringing the measuring tape around your hips and mark the tape.

Step 2: Note the Measuring Tape

Make sure that the measuring tape is parallel to the floor, and then take your measurement correctly.

Step 3: Record the Measurement

Record the measurement in inches and then refer to Panty Size Calculator by filling your right waist and hip measurement in inches to find your correct panty size. There! You got yourself a nice and perfect fitting underwear.  


Why should we refer to Panty Size Chart before purchasing panty?

Referring to a panty size chart before purchasing panties is important for several reasons:

  1. Ensure proper fit: A panty that doesn’t fit properly can cause discomfort, chafing, or even health issues such as infections. Using a panty size chart helps individuals determine their correct size and avoid the issues associated with wearing the wrong size.
  2. Save time and money: By using a panty size chart, individuals can purchase the right size of underwear the first time around, avoiding the need to exchange or return ill-fitting items. This saves time and money in the long run.
  3. Improve confidence: Wearing the right size of underwear can help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in their clothing. Properly fitting panties can also help prevent visible panty lines or bulges, improving the overall appearance of clothing.
  4. Sizing can vary: Sizing can vary between brands and manufacturers, and even between different styles within the same brand. Referring to a panty size chart specific to the brand or style being considered can help ensure the most accurate sizing recommendation.
Panty Size Calculator

In summary, referring to a panty size chart before purchasing panties is essential to ensure proper fit, save time and money, improve confidence, and account for potential sizing variations. It’s a simple step that can make a big difference in the comfort and appearance of daily wear.


1. How do I know my panty size?

Ans: Measuring to determine your panty size is a very simple process. Just follow these steps and you will get your size in no time!
Step 1: Measure Your Waist

First measure your waist size by bringing the measuring tape around your hips and mark the tape.

Step 2: Note the Measuring Tape

Make sure that the measuring tape is parallel to the floor, and then take your measurement correctly.

Step 3: Record the Measurement

Record the measurement in inches and then refer to Panty Size Calculator by filling your right waist and hip measurement in inches to find your correct panty size. There! You got yourself perfect panty size.

2. What is XL in panty size?

Ans: Extra Large or XL size in panties for women ranges between 105-112 cm.

3. What size is an 85 cm panty?

Ans: 85 cm in panty size for women is Small or S size .

4. What panty size should I wear?

Ans: After determining your measurement, refer to panty size chart to find your size. 

5. Is a size 7 panty a large?

Ans: A size 7 panty is generally considered a medium or sometimes a large depending on the brand. However, it’s important to check the size chart for the specific brand to confirm.

6. What panty size is 95 cm?

Ans: 95 cm converts to approximately 37.4 inches. Depending on the brand, this could correspond to a medium or large panty size. However, it’s important to check the size chart for the specific brand to confirm.

7. What size is 40 in panty?

Ans: A size 40 in panty typically corresponds to an extra-large or 2XL size. However, it’s important to check the size chart for the specific brand to confirm, as sizing can vary between manufacturers.

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